Active Working

Did you know, 70% of your Sedentary Behaviour takes place at the Office? Over the past five years, an increased amount of evidence has been published on the links between sedentary living, including time at work, and the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. In 2015, this evidence encouraged The Public Health England and Active [...]


How to use a sit stand desk

I never cease to be amazed by the number of sit stand desks I come across on my travels across Britain that never are used in the raised position. They are bought in as the latest must have to improve employee well-being and productivity, or because an individual has a physical issue which requires a [...]


Why you would want to work for Sun Rehab.

I decided I needed a change after several months of coming home complaining about my day at work. In my previous job I felt unvalued with no opportunity to develop my skills as a practitioner. The workload was draining due to NHS waiting list demands and the constraints of 20-minute appointments. My colleague described it [...]


What is the difference between a physio who works in occupational health and an occupational health physio?

I’m often asked by customers and by our professional colleagues in occupational health whether a physiotherapist who is trained in good musculoskeletal skills is qualified to work in the occupational health environment? The answer is yes any Chartered Physiotherapist as able to do occupational health work, if you are only looking for a treatment or [...]


Are Treadmill Desks and asset or a hindrance to work and health?

At Sun Rehab we talk to many businesses who are looking to redesign their workspaces, with the aim of improving the health and well-being of their biggest asset; their employees. Many companies consider it a high aspiration to install treadmill desks as part of a refit, and once installed they envisage significant dividends in worker [...]

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